For more information please contact: Allegheny Family Network, Misty Woody 412-246-2030, mwoody@alleghenyfamilynetwork.org

Local Program Works to Address Adult Literacy Crisis
(Natrona Heights, PA) – September 19-25, 2021 will mark the annual Adult Education and Family Literacy Week to remind us all that reading, writing, and basic math remain an elusive target for 42 million adults nationwide, including many in our community. Allegheny Family Network in Natrona Heights is part of a national network of organizations that work every minute of every day to end the adult literacy crisis.
According to ProLiteracy, the leading membership organization advancing the cause of adult literacy and basic education in the nation, more than 40 million adults in the U.S. lack the most basic literacy skills. ProLiteracy provides 1,100 community-based literacy organizations, including Allegheny Family Network with tools to help educate adult learners and help them meet the demands of today’s workforce.
“Here at home, in our own community, we know many young adults and parents desire to accomplish literacy goals, such as receiving a diploma.” said Misty Woody, of Allegheny Family Network. “Literacy helps families be healthier and safer and provides people sustainable opportunities to support themselves through work, contributing ultimately to the economic growth of our region and country.”
In recognition of Adult Education and Family Literacy Week Allegheny Family Network is recognizing the Allegheny Family Network Adult Education Program’s most recent graduates with a Graduation Celebration on Friday, Sept. 24, 2021 from 6 PM to 8 PM at the Tarentum Memorial Park at the Carl A. Magentta Memorial Amphitheater area.
“Our students have committed to reaching their goals for their personal reasons, including improving literacy, motivating their children, or obtaining better employment,” said Woody. “We are thrilled to be able to celebrate their accomplishments together, even in spite of this very uncertain past year.”
Allegheny Family Network created the Adult Education Program in Natrona Heights as a response to an identified need by a group of local parents in the Highlands School District area. The free program assists students in learning the material and comprehending the lessons needed to past a high school equivalency test. The program also assists its graduates in pursuing further education from trade schools, community colleges and career enhancing educational centers. To date, the program has graduated 23 students.
For more information about Allegheny Family Network services, visit www.AlleghenyFamilyNetwork.org or call 412-246-2030.
Allegheny Family Network is a peer-to-peer model organization offering various programs and services for parents and caregivers raising children with mental health or behavioral concerns. AFN works with hundreds of families each week to navigate through all of the Child-Serving Systems including Behavioral Health, Children, Youth and Families (CYF), Juvenile Justice, Education and special programs for Foster Parents, Fathers, incarceration reunification, housing and employment to accomplish goals for the betterment of the parents and the children.